WAZER Pro Welcome Cut Files
For WAZER Desktop Welcome Cut Files, please see this page.
There are 7 welcome cut files pre-loaded in the SD card that comes with the WAZER Pro:
Absolute Locating Jig (filename: JIg_only)
Gauge Block and Absolute Locating Jig (filename: Gauge_w jig)
Gauge Block (filename: Gauge)
Nozzle Gaude with Absolute Locating Jig (filename: Nozzle_Guide w JIg)
Nozzle Guide (Nozzle_Guide)
Towel Holder with Absolute Locating Jig (filename: Towel_Holder w jig)
Towel Holder (filename: Towel_Holder)
They are calibrated to generate good cut results from the welcome cut material attached to the cut bed in the brand new machine.
Moreover, these cuts not only give you a chance to check all functionalities in your new WAZER Pro, but also generate useful features for subsequent machine operation:
Absolute locating fixture will give you known datum allowing for accurate and repeatable material placement
Gauge block will enable you to offset your material relative to another fixture accurately.
Nozzle guide will help you align the material pass the obstruction of nozzle guard.
In case the SD gets corrupted, or misplaced during set up, please see the g codes below.
Absolute Locating Fixture and gauge block
Absolute Locating Jig
The Absolute Locating Fixture gives you a known location in your WAZER to place your material. Utilizing this with your WAZER Pro, it will be perfectly tuned into your machine and the cut result will be far more accurate than anything manual could achieve. The location of the datums are at X=20mm Y=20mm. This enables you to precisely place your material to a know location on the cut bed, thus facilitate you to accurately position your cut onto the material in WAM.
For example, if you wish to place your cut file at x= 5mm, Y=5mm on your square material, all you need to do is to push the top left corner of your material up against the corner of this locating fixture. Then, set your WAM location to be X= 25mm Y = 25mm.
You will notice that there are small divots placed every 60mm. These are sized to fit the hold-down screws, allowing you to full hold down your material when using the fixture. When cutting your own fixture make sure to design in some provision for holding down your material
Gauge Block
This file also comes with a gauge block.
The gauge bock is a tool that enables you to move your material a known distance from your absolute locating fixture. In this case, either 13 or 25mm. It will be helpful for securing your material, to avoid placing material on or driving screws in worn out section of the cut bed.
Blank Section
You will also notice a large section is uncut.
The large uncut fixture plate is your playground. With this piece you could cut out anything you would like. For example, you can cut several "'windows" that allows you to locate material precisely in multiple places on the cut bed. Moreover, you can cut more complex shapes allowing for consistent locating of preexisting parts and cut additional features on them. These fixtures can allow for far greater throughput on your WAZER enabling it to be a small scale production machine
Absolute Locating Fixture
Gauge Block
Nozzle Guide
The small tool helps you line up you material accurately to the cut area defined in WAM. If you line up the tool to the edge of you material, the nozzle is right on top of the top left corner of the cut material.
Upon loading a cut file, the nozzle would travel to the top left of the bounding box (cut extent) of your cut group. Aligning the top left corner of the material to that of the bounding box maximizes the material usage. if you line up the material as shown in the first picture, our cut group will perfectly line up to the edge of your material.
Similarly if you leave a little space between the nozzle and the cut piece then you can give yourself a known margin of safety for your screw heads and alignment issues.
Nozzle Guide
Nozzle Guide
Towel Holder
This is a cut file that need some post processing and assembly. After cutting, 3 pieces are generated from the welcome cut material. Deburring the edge will make the assembly process easier.
After deburring is completed, assembly the pieces and a towel holder can be generated.
The slot on the short arms are there to enable the towel hanger to be hooked onto the side of the tool tray of Pro. This will make the towel holder a useable tool into your work routine.