Full Tank Cleaning
It is important that the tank is kept clean to keep the systems in the WAZER working properly. When you clean out the tank it gives you a chance to get your abrasive collection working at peak performance, saving you from having to clean out the tank as often. A full tank cleaning will be necessary to remove all of the used abrasive.
1. Drain the tank.
Insert a length of #3 tubing into the tank drain. Make sure it is fully seated in the fitting.
Open the drain valve by turning lever inline with hose, and drain into a bucket.
When the tank is empty turn the lever back to being perpendicular to the valve.
If your tank drain is clogged you will need to drain the tank using the siphon method.
3. Remove and put aside the Cut Bed Springs.
4. Scoop out Abrasive.
5. Clean out the Rear Baffle. Pour or spray water through all the holes to thoroughly clean out any abrasive which may have built up inside. You can also lift up the bottom edge of the baffle slightly and use a thin hose to clean inside as pictured. Alternatively you can pour water through the top holes until it runs clean.
6. Clean out Filter Pit. -- it is a good idea to feel back there to make sure there is no clumped up abrasive remaining as it will cause problems for the water leveling mechanism.
7. After the rear baffle and filter pit have been cleaned, remove the drain filters. For older drain filters, unscrew them by twisting the neck (DO NOT twist the mesh). For current style drain filters, simply pull them out of the fitting.
If you find that your drain filters are the older style, please reach out to Support for an upgrade.
Dunk the filters in a container of water or rinse them under a faucet to remove all the buildup. Reinstall the filters by pressing them into the bulkhead fitting.
NOTICE: DO NOT use anything to wipe the drain filters clean, wiping will push sludge into the filter and may clog the low-pressure plumbing.
8. With an empty tank this is a good time to clean out the used abrasive Pick up Filters. There are 4 of these filters, one in each corner of the tank. Keep these clean to maintain your Used Abrasive Collection system.
To remove the Pickup Filters, press the grey tab in while you pull the filter out of the fitting. The Pickup Filters will need to be removed to inspect the Anti-Pierce plate.
9. Remove the Anti-Pierce Plate, be careful not to bump it into the gantry or cutting head while you lift it out of the tank.
10. Inspect the Anti-Pierce plate for any damage. Look for divots or markings that indicate the plate has been bombarded by the water stream. For any deep marks, shine a flashlight on the backside to make sure the plate has not been pierced.
If you discover the plate has been pierced or if there are deep marks, please reach out to Support.
11. Inspect the inside of the tank for any damage as well. Check if there are any indents or discoloration in the plastic, especially on the sides of the tank.
If you find any damage to the tank, please reach out to Support.
12. Reinstall Pickup filters, Anti-Pierce Plate, Cut Bed Springs, reinstall and level Cut Bed.
13. Fill the tank with water to the top of the cut bed. Perform the Water Level Setup in the “Maintenance” menu to ensure you have the appropriate water level in the tank before cutting.
Next Time
The Tank Pierce Plate and tank side, although strong by themselves, may be pierced or damaged after sustained bombarding. It is vital to check if there is an indent, discoloration or weakness in Tank Pierce Plate and tank sides.
Proper cleaning and maintenance of low-pressure system will extend tank cleaning intervals.
An old toothbrush may be helpful in cleaning stuck and hardened abrasive from any surfaces.