WAZER Bulkhead Replacement and Hardware Upgrade

Thank you for being an early adopter and supporter of WAZER. We are constantly listening to our customers and striving to create a better product over time. Since the production of your WAZER we have made improvements to our machines and feel we owe it to you to upgrade your machine. That's right, here at WAZER we don't just believe in updating firmware!  

Consider it a thank you for being patient with us and making WAZER a reality!  

For those that are curious about what you received:

Replacement Parts:
Since the production of your WAZER we realized we didn't have a torque spec on one of our steps in our assembly (oops we are learning!). This resulted in the four bulkhead fittings (white hexagonal pieces) located at the bottom of your tank potentially being over-tightened and cracking at some point in the future, resulting in a small leak. We now have a new way of assembling them that prevents any chance of cracking, so we wanted to ship you a properly assembled set to make sure you don’t exhibit a leaking WAZER in the future. If you have not yet set up your WAZER, we highly suggest performing this replacement first as it is easier on a fresh machine.

Hardware Upgrades:
We realize a number of customers have been dealing with how finicky the dry abrasive system is to deal with (ie. setting the correct dry abrasive rate, cleaning it out in the case of back-flow, etc.). As a result, our engineering team went back to the drawing board and designed a new dry abrasive mechanism that alleviates the pain points around this system. It allows you to go from back-flow to cutting again in a fraction of the time and keeps the abrasive rate significantly more stable over time. It is rather quick to implement on your machine, taking less than 15 minutes, but is guaranteed to save you a ton of grief and time in the long term!

Additionally, we realized a lot of our customer dry abrasive back-flow issues were the result of the cutting head coming in contact with the workpiece. Our engineering team studied this and created a new touch-off tool that buys you a larger margin of error without sacrifices to cut performance. Simply start using this new touch-off tool to lower the possibility of a back-flow. 

Please visit the resources section of wazer.com for more information on the installation process:
Replacing the Venturi Bulkheads
Upgrading the Abrasive Pinch Valve

Thank you for your continued support!