WAZER Pro Backflow Function Inspection
Backflow sensor is the first line of defense regarding abrasive hose backflow. It detects moisture in the abrasive hose and pauses the cut, before the backflow water induces more damage to the remaining components of the Dry abrasive system. Regularly checking the function of backflow sensor only takes a few seconds, but will save minutes or hours in future cut jobs.
Required Tools
A glass of water
Compressed air source (air gun or canned air)
PPE (mask, gloves, eye goggle)
Parts Needed:
Replacement Backflow Sensor
spare backflow sensor can be found in the Spare Parts Kit inside the Black Tool Case
Replace if needed
Quick Check
Pull out the Abrasive Hopper from the left of the WAZER Pro
Trace the Abrasive Hose. Locate the two backflow sensors on the abrasive hose.
The first backflow sensor is to bleed off the static generated by abrasive particles, while the 2nd backflow sensor is there to detect moisture in the abrasive hose.
After locating the two backflow sensors in the abrasive hose, trace their leads and ensure they are properly attached to the respective connectors.
Go to “Setup and Maintenance” > “input and output check” > “input” > “service sensor”, press OK button
At this moment, the UI screen will display “Join two pins”. This means the controller detects the backflow sensor is not activated. This result is expected at this moment.
If the UI screen displays “Stop Joining Two Pins”, it indicates that the backflow sensor is already activated. Some other issue may be at hand and needs to be addressed.
Try blow clear the abrasive hose using compressed air
Check if the leads of the backflow sensor are properly connected and no frayed wires are detected.
With the screen displaying “Join two Pins”, disconnect the sensor chrome the hose
Dip the sensor into the glass of water prepared
The screen shows “stop joining two pins”. This indicates the sensor detects water.
Press the Okay button twice to exit the input manual. Blow try the sensor
Put the sensor back in place.
In-Cutting Check
Remove any cut material from the cut bed.
Disconnect the vibration motor and pinch valve connectors
Go to “select a cut file” and initiate a cut as usual.
First check for suction in the hose.
While the WAZER Pro is attempting to cut, dip the hopper end of the abrasive hose into the glass of water prepared beforehand.
The suction created in the nozzle will suck water from the glass, and trigger the backflow sensor in seconds.
WAZER Pro will immediately pause the cut and display “Service required, Check Backflow and Water sensor”.
This error message indicates the backflow sensor is in good working condition.
Press “OK” to exit the error message.
Lift the Hopper end of hose away from the glass of water, leave it hanging in the air. Let the water drips out.
Remove the abrasive hose from the nozzle end.
Blow clear the abrasive hose using compressed air source
Restart the cut, check if the cut can be proceed without pause, and UI screen does not show “backflow detected”
Plug the abrasive hose back into the Abrasive Catcher; reconnect the pinch valve and vibration motors.
The backflow sensor check is completed.
Next Time
Backflow sensor is made of plastic. Even though WAZER will carry on improving the durability of this sensor, it is inevitable to see abrasive wear out the sensor after extended operation. Pay close attention to abrasive flow and check for the integrity of the backflow sensor regularly will prevent any abrasive issues from happening.