WAZER Pro Used Abrasive Collection
WAZER Pro incorporates a completely redesigned used abrasive collection system. When performing properly, all abrasives used in cutting can be picked up from the tank bottom and deposited into the two Collection Buckets. Meanwhile, watch out for any abnormalities and intervene soon. Used abrasives accumulated in the deep tank would be very hard to remove
Required tools
Water Buckets
As the cut proceeds, the abrasive particles strike onto the cut material and then sink to the bottom of the tank.
The tank bottom is V shaped to channel the particles to the middle, where the particles will be sucked into two bird-cage like Pick-Up Filters.
Passing the filters, the abrasives will be sucked into two venturi blocks. The suction is generated by two streams of water being accelerated through a narrow gap.
After that, the abrasive and water mixture is carried upwards and ejected into the collection buckets.
This system’s transportation capability outperforms the abrasive input from Nozzle by multiple times. It can easily fill two collection buckets with 10lbs of used abrasive after 90 minutes of cutting.
However, if the system is malfunctioning, early intervention is recommended as removing accumulated abrasives from a deep tank is extremely troublesome.
After every cut, dump the used abrasive in the collection buckets. WAZER recommends using the sand-bag over bucket methods, as excess water can be filtered away, thus decreasing the weight. See our online instruction for detail.
Next, make sure the Purge Shut-off Valve is turned on, and go to “Setup and Maintenance” > “maintenance” > “Used. Abr. Collect”. The low pressure system will be switched on and start collecting the rest of the used abrasive in the tank bottom.
It is recommended to run this mode for at least 3 minutes. During this time, you may see the murky collection stream gradually turning clear.
60 seconds into the collection, you may see the collection streams being interrupted for a split second, and the clear stream quickly becomes murky again. This is the venturi purge system working. If you do not see this happening, check the Purge shut-off valve position. If the problem persists, contact WAZER support.
Do not leave the low pressure system running. Exit the “Used Abr. Collect.” mode after clear seeing continuous clear streams coming out.
The venturi Purge system will be continuously working during a cut. Its job is to inject fresh water into the venturi, clear the bird-cage Pick Up Filters and allow more settled abrasive to be sucked into the venturi.
If the water input pressure is low (< 40psi / 275Kpa), the purge function may not bring its desired results. You may need to conduct a “Tank Cleaning” after each cut to collect the left-over abrasive.
Remove all left-over materials and fasteners from the Cut Bed (leave the absolute locating jig). Go to “Setup and Maintenance” > “maintenance” > “tank Cleaning”.
WAZER Pro will engage the Nozzle to inject high pressure water at several locations. Low pressure system will be picking up the loosened abrasive from the tank bottom.
Contact WAZER Support if you see any persistent abnormalities.
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Next Time
Look out for the amount of abrasive collected after every cut. The collection efficiency is the most direct manifestation of the low pressure system condition. Early intervention is always more economical than addressing the fallout afterwards